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Attention all late-night working parents, take a look! Registration for the "10 o'clock Joy" Infant Daycare Center has begun

Starting from December 2023, Taipei City will trial childcare services at the "10 o'clock Joy" of the Huaizhong Public Infant Daycare Center for parents who regularly work at night or are shift workers and need these services. The daycare center will provide daily infant and childcare services from 10:30am to 10:00pm from Monday to Friday for 4 children aged 2 months to under 2 years old. This will allow the public to have more diversified small and community-based childcare options, which will provide parents with a safe and secure childcare environment, solving their childcare needs.

Attention all late-night working parents, take a look! Registration for the  10 o'clock Joy Infant Daycare Center has begun