- To encourage social participation and deploy social forces in place to address issues in question.
- To create a friendly environment for the development of mutual coordination and cooperation among civic organizations.
- To synchronize social resources working towards better quality of life for all citizens.
A. Guidance and Registrations of Civic Organizations, Cooperatives, and Mutual-aid Savings Societies
- There were 4,862 civic organizations as of the end of February, 2024, including 3,510 social organizations and 498 occupational organizations.
- Guidance and registration of cooperatives: There were 224 cooperatives as of the end of February, 2024, including 210 consumer cooperatives, 13 subordinate cooperatives, and 1 cooperative farm.
- 14 Mutual-Aid Savings Societies
- DOSW facilitates independent operations of civic organizations, cooperatives, and mutual-aid savings societies. Training programs and conferences are held to expand the knowledge base and capacity on organizational development for these establishments, cooperatives and societies.
B. Guidance and Registrations of Community Organizations
The boundaries of communities were first drawn by the District Office, based on the historical/cultural backgrounds, geographic makeup, compliance and needs of the neighborhoods. The community development association may also be initiated by a body of at least 30 community residents to register with DOSW. The number of the community development associations registered in Taipei City was 400 as of the end of February, 2024.
C. Training Community Leaders Community development is best executed when local residents are involved in improving their neighborhoods. With that in mind, training programs such as "Training on Special Community Issues," and "Community Practicum" were designed to expand experiences and to inspire community residents' interests in community work.
D. Promotion (or funding) of Cooperation Projects among Associations
- A new project, "New Hometown‧Pleasant Neighborhood" aims at promoting cooperation among community development associations within the same district or even across districts was launched. Community visitation and roundtable discussions are common practices to foster mutual understanding.
- The Community Culture Development Program is intended to foster local cultural identity and encourage a sense of unity among its residents. Professional groups are also enlisted to generate a collective force and consensus for this program.
- Community Appraisal is effected to stimulate further community development endeavors. Experts, scholars, representatives of localities, plus DOSW officials in charge of community development will participate in the appraisals.
E. Supervision of Fundraising Activities
All groups, schools, associations, or agencies who wish to organize open fundraising activities, must notify DOSW for permission. DOSW also oversees the disbursal of funds to ensure that they are used properly and as previously planned.
F. Integration of Social Groups to Participate in the Provision of Social Services
- DOSW is an intermediary that liaises among groups of underprivileged persons with more resourceful organizations through various projects. With this assistive measure in place, the groups with limited access to resources may grow stronger and more stable.
- DOSW constantly publicizes related welfare information, highlighting the principle of prioritizing the interests of disadvantaged groups.